About Me

Photo Credit : Steven Pisano

Jaehoon Choi is a computer musician / sound artist / scholar based in New York and Seoul. His practice involves embodied experimentation of sonicity through a technical medium, encompassing both the process of making and bodily engagement. As a scholar, he is interested in how a artistic practice can suggest a unique conception of technics and enrich technodiversity. His works were presented at Venice Biennale, MATA Festival, SEAMUS, NEW INC, San Francisco Tape Music Festival, NIME, ICMC, CeReNeM, ECHO Journal, ZER01NE, Dunkunsthalle, EIDF, Visions Du Reel, and etc. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electronic Arts at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and graduated from Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) as a Masters.

Email: jsonchoi [at] jsonchoi [dot] io