Hello. hEllo! heLLo? hellO
CreditsArtist / Concept / Technical Implementation : Jaehoon Choi
Video Recording and Editing : Alvis Mosely
letters - light - speech - sound - meaning - material
Hello 你好 こんにちは Привет Hallo Ahoj 안녕 Bonjour Ciao مرحبًا Hola Γειά σου …..
Hello. hEllo! heLLo? hellO questions the over-significance of language as a representational
functionality of knowing and material. Here, I suggest the usage of language, or discourses,
as an active way of engaging with the material world through "complex agential intra-actions of multiple
material-discursive practices."(Barad 2007, 140) My interest in language, meaning, and materiality has
formulated this idea, and I tried to blur their boundary both sonically and visually. For the audio part,
real-time granular synthesis of speech recordings, which are from the first phrase of Tao Te Ching in various
translations, is used. Through granulation, the boundary between the semiotic characteristics of a spoken
language and the sonic material gets blurred. A similar approach was applied to visuals too. A particle system
consisting of the word “hello” of various languages is projected on a mylar film. When projected on the mylar
film, it gets reflected and scattered to the surroundings as light, leading to the coexistence of language
and physical material. Additionally, the lightweight mylar films gently sway when audiences pass by or in
response to subtle air currents, causing the scattered light to shift. This movement adds a dynamic layer of
liveliness and spatial dimension to the experience. These audio-visual expressions question the representationalism
of languages by showing the entanglement of language/material, and the inter-relation between them.